3 Ways to Stay Healthier
and Safer at Work

Do you know that if you’re 40 years old and above, you’re advised to check on your BMI (Body Mass Index) once a year and your blood pressure once in every 2 years6? Regular health screenings can help identify if you’ve any chronic medical condition that needs to be managed with medications or therapy.

6Health Promotion Board. (2020).Health Hub: What Is a Healthy Weight?
View resource here.

When you’re not feeling well, don’t just ignore it and keep working. Inform your colleagues or supervisor about it, as you’re more likely to have an accident if you continue working. If you’ve any of the below symptoms, stop what you’re doing in a safe manner and seek help immediately: • Sudden giddiness • Wanting to faint • Blurry vision • Unexplained cold sweat • Sudden severe chest or abdominal pain • Unexplained breathlessness or difficulty in breathing. Additional guidelines7 on what to do when you’re feeling unwell during this period.

7Ministry of Health. (2020).Covid-19 Resources. 
View resource here.

Have a medical condition that can affect your ability to carry out work safely? Let your team and supervisor know so that everyone can watch over one another and stay safe.
It’s especially important that you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before and after eating. Also, avoid sharing your utensils by using serving spoons for each dish that you’re sharing. Additional guidelines8 on how to maintain hygiene during this period.

8Ministry of Health. (2020). Covid-19 Resources.
View resource here.

Mental well-being is key to your own productivity and a healthier you at work. Stress and anxiety are associated with many health problems such as high blood pressure and musculoskeletal pains. When you’re stressed or anxious, your decisions and behaviour can be irrational, which may cause workplace accidents and injuries. If you’re facing any issues, instead of suffering in silence, speak to your supervisor to get help or find out about your mental well-being here9.

9Work Safety and Health Institute. (2019). iWorkHealth.
View resource here.